Want to relax for 10 minutes during the day at home or in office? Want to improve brain work? Or may be want to dream about beautiful nature landscapes? Increase concentration?
Then choose from a list of 6 different good quality nature relaxing sounds (sounds of nature) which include thunder, ocean sounds, sea, birds sounds, rain, night in jungle, water sounds, waterfall, nature and start your personal audio therapy.
F.A.Q. :
Q: How could I set sound as alarm in my phone?
A: When you choose "Set as Alarm" option it is simply copy sound to alarm directory of your phone (it doesn't create new alarm). Then you need to go to alarm menu in you smartphone and set up NEW ALARM with our sound of nature.
+ only natural music, no musical instruments, white noise
+ relax and sleep sounds and ringtones!
+ high-quality sounds of bird songs in rain forest
+ sound of sea waves natural, roar of the surf, marine voice
+ sound of natural rainfall, waterfall, night jungles
+ natural sound of water currents
+ relaxation loud ringtones
+ nature music
+ healing sounds
+ soothing music - sleep sounds
+ absolutely relaxing
+ nature Sound Relax and Sleep
+ white noise for baby sleep
+ therapy music (music therapy, sound therapy, melody therapy)
+ best good quality water sounds, sea sounds, wave sounds, rain sounds - sounds of nature
+ you will relax and sleep like baby
+ children fall asleep immediately
+ lullaby of nature
+ soothing sleep sounds
+ deep relaxation
+ white noise generator
+ animal sounds
+ sounds of sunday
- install "Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep" to SD card
- different nature sounds (include water sounds, rain sounds, jungle, sounds of the sea)
- sleep timer for music relaxation therapy
- beautiful wallpaper for each sound of nature
- meditation music run in background
- help to get rid of tinnitus
- relaxation for human brains
- only good quality nature sleep sounds
- relax melody samples
- best relaxing sounds of nature Free App
- super natural water sounds (no music)
- nature noise maker (sounds effects ringtones)
- sounds of the season
- sounds of the city
- sounds of the game
- ambient sounds
People use nature sounds relaxation techniques for the following reasons, among others:
Anger management (roar of the surf, sea, water flow, waves on a beach sounds, ocean, rain sounds)
Cardiac health (rain forest sounds, birds singing)
Depression therapy(birds sounds, yoga music,white noise app)
Bedtime songs and bedtime sounds
General well-being (waves on a beach, jungle sounds)
Headache therapy (birds singing, ocean waves sounds)
High blood pressure (roar of the surf, waterfall sounds, white noise)
Immune system support (sounds of brook, creek, stream let, river, white noise)
Insomnia therapy(all water sounds, rain sounds, sleep sounds, sounds of blackness)
Pain management (all birds songs, all water sounds)
Stress management (sounds of storm, lightning, thunder, rain sounds, white noise lite)
A relaxation technique (relaxation training) is any method (include audio therapy, sleep sounds and nature sounds), process, procedure, or activity that helps a person to relax; to attain a state of increased calmness; or otherwise reduce levels of anxiety, stress or anger.Yoga music, massage, audio therapy, nature sounds, relax melodies, bird songs and other techniques that include deep breathing tend to calm people who are overwhelmed by stress, while rhythmic exercise improves the mental and physical health of those who are depressed. People who encounter both symptoms, feeling depressed in some ways and overexcited in others, may do best by walking, listening natural sounds of rain, thunderstorms, birds or performing yoga techniques that are focused on strength.
Ingin bersantai selama 10 menit selama hari di rumah atau di kantor? Ingin meningkatkan kerja otak? Atau mungkin ingin bermimpi tentang lanskap alam yang indah? Meningkatkan konsentrasi?
Kemudian memilih dari daftar 6 berkualitas baik sifat santai suara yang berbeda (suara alam) yang meliputi guntur, suara laut, laut, burung terdengar, hujan, malam di hutan, suara air, air terjun, alam dan memulai terapi audio yang pribadi Anda.
F.A.Q. :
Q: Bagaimana saya bisa mengatur suara sebagai alarm di telepon saya?
A: Bila Anda memilih "Set sebagai alarm" pilihan itu hanya menyalin suara untuk direktori alarm dari ponsel Anda (tidak membuat alarm baru). Kemudian Anda perlu pergi ke menu alarm di Anda smartphone dan mengatur BARU ALARM dengan suara kita tentang alam.
+ Hanya musik alami, tidak ada alat musik, white noise
+ Bersantai dan tidur suara dan nada dering!
+ Berkualitas tinggi suara lagu burung di hutan hujan
+ Suara ombak laut alami, deru ombak, suara laut
+ Suara curah hujan alami, air terjun, malam hutan
+ Suara alami dari arus air
+ Relaksasi ringtones keras
+ Musik alam
+ Suara penyembuhan
+ Menenangkan musik - suara tidur
+ Benar-benar santai
+ Alam Suara Santai dan Tidur
+ White noise untuk bayi tidur
+ Terapi musik (terapi musik, terapi suara, terapi melodi)
+ Terbaik suara air berkualitas baik, suara laut, gelombang suara, suara hujan - suara alam
+ Anda akan bersantai dan tidur seperti bayi
+ Anak-anak tertidur segera
+ Pengantar alam
+ Menenangkan suara tidur
+ Relaksasi yang mendalam
+ Generator white noise
+ Suara binatang
+ Suara Minggu
- install "Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep" ke kartu SD
- suara alam yang berbeda (termasuk suara air, suara hujan, hutan, suara dari laut)
- timer tidur untuk terapi relaksasi musik
- wallpaper yang indah untuk setiap suara alam
- musik meditasi berjalan di latar belakang
- bantuan untuk menyingkirkan tinnitus
- relaksasi untuk otak manusia
- hanya berkualitas baik suara alam tidur
- bersantai sampel melodi
- suara terbaik santai alam Gratis App
- suara super air alami (tidak ada musik)
- pembuat alam noise (suara efek nada dering)
- terdengar musim ini
- terdengar kota
- terdengar dari permainan
- suara ambient
Orang menggunakan suara alam teknik relaksasi untuk alasan berikut, antara lain:
manajemen kemarahan (deru ombak, laut, aliran air, ombak di pantai terdengar, laut, hujan terdengar)
kesehatan jantung (suara hutan hujan, burung bernyanyi)
Terapi depresi (burung suara, musik yoga, white noise app)
lagu waktu tidur dan suara tidur
Kesejahteraan umum (gelombang di pantai, hutan suara)
Terapi Sakit kepala (burung bernyanyi, gelombang laut suara)
Tekanan darah tinggi (deru ombak, suara air terjun, white noise)
dukungan sistem kekebalan tubuh (suara sungai, sungai, aliran let, sungai, white noise)
Terapi Insomnia (semua suara air, suara hujan, suara tidur, sounds of blackness)
manajemen nyeri (semua lagu burung, semua suara air)
manajemen stres (suara badai, petir, guntur, suara hujan, white noise lite)
Sebuah teknik relaksasi (pelatihan relaksasi) adalah metode apapun (termasuk terapi audio, suara tidur dan suara alam), proses, prosedur, atau kegiatan yang membantu seseorang untuk bersantai; untuk mencapai keadaan meningkat ketenangan; atau mengurangi tingkat kecemasan, stres atau musik anger.Yoga, pijat, terapi audio, suara alam, bersantai melodi, lagu-lagu burung dan teknik lain yang mencakup pernapasan dalam cenderung tenang orang-orang yang kewalahan oleh stres, sementara latihan ritmis meningkatkan mental dan kesehatan fisik mereka yang mengalami depresi. Orang yang mengalami kedua gejala, merasa tertekan dalam beberapa hal dan overexcited pada orang lain, dapat melakukan yang terbaik dengan berjalan kaki, mendengarkan suara alam hujan, badai, burung atau melakukan teknik yoga yang berfokus pada kekuatan.
Want to relax for 10 minutes during the day at home or in office? Want to improve brain work? Or may be want to dream about beautiful nature landscapes? Increase concentration?
Then choose from a list of 6 different good quality nature relaxing sounds (sounds of nature) which include thunder, ocean sounds, sea, birds sounds, rain, night in jungle, water sounds, waterfall, nature and start your personal audio therapy.
F.A.Q. :
Q: How could I set sound as alarm in my phone?
A: When you choose "Set as Alarm" option it is simply copy sound to alarm directory of your phone (it doesn't create new alarm). Then you need to go to alarm menu in you smartphone and set up NEW ALARM with our sound of nature.
+ only natural music, no musical instruments, white noise
+ relax and sleep sounds and ringtones!
+ high-quality sounds of bird songs in rain forest
+ sound of sea waves natural, roar of the surf, marine voice
+ sound of natural rainfall, waterfall, night jungles
+ natural sound of water currents
+ relaxation loud ringtones
+ nature music
+ healing sounds
+ soothing music - sleep sounds
+ absolutely relaxing
+ nature Sound Relax and Sleep
+ white noise for baby sleep
+ therapy music (music therapy, sound therapy, melody therapy)
+ best good quality water sounds, sea sounds, wave sounds, rain sounds - sounds of nature
+ you will relax and sleep like baby
+ children fall asleep immediately
+ lullaby of nature
+ soothing sleep sounds
+ deep relaxation
+ white noise generator
+ animal sounds
+ sounds of sunday
- install "Nature Sounds Relax & Sleep" to SD card
- different nature sounds (include water sounds, rain sounds, jungle, sounds of the sea)
- sleep timer for music relaxation therapy
- beautiful wallpaper for each sound of nature
- meditation music run in background
- help to get rid of tinnitus
- relaxation for human brains
- only good quality nature sleep sounds
- relax melody samples
- best relaxing sounds of nature Free App
- super natural water sounds (no music)
- nature noise maker (sounds effects ringtones)
- sounds of the season
- sounds of the city
- sounds of the game
- ambient sounds
People use nature sounds relaxation techniques for the following reasons, among others:
Anger management (roar of the surf, sea, water flow, waves on a beach sounds, ocean, rain sounds)
Cardiac health (rain forest sounds, birds singing)
Depression therapy(birds sounds, yoga music,white noise app)
Bedtime songs and bedtime sounds
General well-being (waves on a beach, jungle sounds)
Headache therapy (birds singing, ocean waves sounds)
High blood pressure (roar of the surf, waterfall sounds, white noise)
Immune system support (sounds of brook, creek, stream let, river, white noise)
Insomnia therapy(all water sounds, rain sounds, sleep sounds, sounds of blackness)
Pain management (all birds songs, all water sounds)
Stress management (sounds of storm, lightning, thunder, rain sounds, white noise lite)
A relaxation technique (relaxation training) is any method (include audio therapy, sleep sounds and nature sounds), process, procedure, or activity that helps a person to relax; to attain a state of increased calmness; or otherwise reduce levels of anxiety, stress or anger.Yoga music, massage, audio therapy, nature sounds, relax melodies, bird songs and other techniques that include deep breathing tend to calm people who are overwhelmed by stress, while rhythmic exercise improves the mental and physical health of those who are depressed. People who encounter both symptoms, feeling depressed in some ways and overexcited in others, may do best by walking, listening natural sounds of rain, thunderstorms, birds or performing yoga techniques that are focused on strength.